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What does FSC certification mean for corrugated packaging? We explain.

Sustainable packaging is no longer just a buzzword in the business world. It has become an integral part of corporate responsibility towards protecting our environment. As we move forward, understanding and adopting environmentally friendly practices like Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for corrugated packaging becomes essential. So, let’s delve into what FSC certification actually means…

GCMI ink vs PMS Ink
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GCMI ink vs PMS Ink

When it comes to corrugated packaging, there are various factors that contribute to its overall visual appeal and quality. One crucial element in this process is the choice of ink used for printing on these packages or boxes. The two most commonly used ink systems are GCMI (General Converting Matched Inks) and Pantone inks. GCMI…

ECT vs Virgin Liner
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ECT vs Virgin Liner

When it comes to packaging materials, one often encounters terms such as ECT paper and virgin liner in reference to corrugated boxes. These two types of liners play a crucial role in determining the strength and durability of the final product, but what exactly sets them apart? Let’s delve into the world of corrugated box…

Reasons to Choose Corrugated Boxes

Reasons to Choose Corrugated Boxes

Corrugated boxes have become increasingly popular in recent years because they’re capable of packaging just about anything safely. You’ll find everything from small smartphones to gigantic refrigerators packed in corrugated boxes when they’re shipped and sold. There are so many reasons to choose corrugated boxes for your company’s packaging needs. Take a look at a…